Can play via Winamp, can stream FLAC but not transcode it

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Can play via Winamp, can stream FLAC but not transcode it

Post by Iggy_Pop »

Hi, Love the netjukebox programme; it looks and works great on a LAN with my FLACS, I can get the winamp 3.1 plug-in working but I cannot get the session>high, med or low transcoding on-the-fly to work.

I use foobar for the m3u stream, which as I said works fine from source but spits out this when I change the session encoding:

Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported format or corrupted file):
"http://localhost/netjukebox/stream.php? ... =cwi1v45gz


I installed everthing - to the letter - from the guide at maxiumumpc

foobar2000 v0.9.6.7
winamp 5.56
netjukebox 5.16 :

Apache 2.2.12 (IPV6 enabled)
+ MySQL 5.1.37 (Community Server) with PBXT engine 1.0.08-rc
+ PHP 5.3.0 + PEAR (PEAR, Mail_Mime, MDB2, Zend)

Windows NT **** 5.1 build 2600 (Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3) i586
Build Date Jul 2 2009 21:02:53
Compiler MSVC6 (Visual C++ 6.0)
Architecture x86
Configure Command cscript /nologo configure.js
Server API Apache 2.0 Handler
Virtual Directory Support enabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path no value
Loaded Configuration File C:\xampp\php\php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files (none)

Also when I try to copy album, it says it can't open the destination directory. If anyone can help me out I'd be really grateful I'm a total newb when it comes to this php sql stuff though. :?
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Re: Can play via Winamp, can stream FLAC but not transcode it

Post by wbartels »

Did you also downloaded the codec and set the corresponding directory in the file?
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Re: Can play via Winamp, can stream FLAC but not transcode it

Post by Iggy_Pop »

I tried changing the path in the to just codec, minus the (s) and it did not stream source anymore, so knew this must be okay. I tried updating the lame and FLAC exe's but no joy. :(
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Re: Can play via Winamp, can stream FLAC but not transcode it

Post by wbartels »

Does transcoded download work?
For example from a FLAC source file to download profile "MP3 @ Portable"
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Re: Can play via Winamp, can stream FLAC but not transcode it

Post by Iggy_Pop »

No, I get this:
File does not exist or is empty:
cache/e/8/e80f41e425b2a0a920fe5ff696a238a9ba9a38b8/01 - Mystify.mp3

But, I put a clean install of xp on another partition, and tried both XAMPP packs (thought it might be a change in the newer one) and both worked well with netjukebox. So I know it's a problem on my machine, not with your programme or xampp.

I've got to just figure out what exactly. I took a screenshot of services.msc and the task manager processes on the working netjukebox xp install, I'll compare that with the borked one and figure out who's not playing nice with netjukebox. I've been playing around with remotedesktop and it uses the windows webserver maybe that, I dunno, it'll just take some time.

Anyway, really impressed with the app, your own music 'cloud' at home that you can share with non-computer tech mates (simple web interface). I didn't really fancy the Orb with AOL behind them :twisted:

Thanks :D