Unicode support

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Re: Unicode support

Post by unsec »

Well .... as I see at Xoops 2.3.3 CMS, PHP5 accepted Unicode - at this time all CMS-es working only with Unicode (8859-1, 8859-2 it's a pre-history :D ). Why netjukebox don't accept Polish national signs from HDD directory?

It's a problem of the "outgoing" script (index.php?action=view3&album_id=ctnvhjoyks) couse inside the m3u file all is ok. than I think that the netjukebox script read the national signs from HDD directory correctly!!

wrong coding of nation signs is in the track title in download option (download procedure)
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Re: Unicode support

Post by wbartels »

unsec wrote:Well .... as I see at Xoops 2.3.3 CMS, PHP5 accepted Unicode - at this time all CMS-es working only with Unicode (8859-1, 8859-2 it's a pre-history :D ). Why netjukebox don't accept Polish national signs from HDD directory?

It's a problem of the "outgoing" script (index.php?action=view3&album_id=ctnvhjoyks) couse inside the m3u file all is ok. than I think that the netjukebox script read the national signs from HDD directory correctly!!

wrong coding of nation signs is in the track title in download option (download procedure)
Many php commands I use in netjukebox are not Unicode compatible at the moment; therefore we have to wait for PHP 6.
For example the opendir() and readdir() functions are not Unicode compatible; and these functions are use to get the album, artist and track information.
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Re: Unicode support

Post by unsec »


Supports files and folders names written in 中文 or any other langauge.
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Re: Unicode support

Post by unsec »

When we can't find the satisfactory answer for our question maybe it's a good time to ... change the question?

Lets see ... who will find the solusion for this puzzle:

original track title
03.Maria Dabrowska - Popołudnie z mlodością

an entry from >playlist.m3u<
#EXTINF:245,03.Maria Dabrowska - Popołudnie z mlodością // national (Polish) signs are identity as original !!!

and the same from dbase (latin1_swedish_ci)
03.Maria Dabrowska
Popo³udnie z mlodoœci¹

and the same from track list from netjukebox
03.Maria Dabrowska
Popo³udnie z mlodoci¹

for me, the initial conclusion is: netjukebox can correctly read (national) signs from the directory but something is wrong with the inserting into dbase (wrong coding of the national signs) (and maybe with reading from the dbase - wrong coding for the visualisation).
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Re: Unicode support

Post by wbartels »

Since netjukebox 5.25 UTF8 is working perfectly on Linux and OSX.
Example: http://live.netjukebox.nl/index.php?act ... dkmydhkh0a