when you perfom a fast update (only add new albums), is there a way to find out what the last 5, 10 or whatever amount of albums were added and display on the browse page? So that there would be a seperate block on the right side of the page that will tell you the recent additions to the site...
"Last 10 Artists (Album) added"
and then maybe another block below the above one that lists the 10 mostly popularly played tracks
"Last 10 Popularly Played Tracks"
and then another block below that one that displays recent searches
"Last 10 Searches Performed"
I been working on a script that may do the top two not sure how to do the searches one.
Here is the code that I put together:
Last 10 Artists (Album) added:
Code: Select all
echo '<th colspan="2" align="right">("Latest 10 albums added");
$qry="SELECT album, FROM album, artist WHERE ((artist,album)) ORDER BY album DESC";
echo '<tr><td><b>'.$d_album.'</td><td><b>'.$d_artist.'</td></tr>';
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
print "</tr> \n";
echo '</td></tr></table>';