Cannot connect to localhost after configuring

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Cannot connect to localhost after configuring

Post by ix6tech »

Here is a really strange issue when i try to running netjukebox.

I installed the required apps needed for this script.

Currently running:

Apache 1.3.35 (Win32)
PHP 4.4
MySQL 4.1

When i go to run the script after i have installed everything the script has trouble connecting to localhost on mysql.

Here is what i has set up so far in the

// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | MySQL configuration |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['mysql_host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['mysql_db'] = 'netjukebox';
$cfg['mysql_user'] = 'root';
$cfg['mysql_password'] = 'test';

Now this is a test database i setup in mysql.

If in not mistake the mysql username is suppose to be the login name for the pc in windows which i have set as root with administrative privledges.
I have left the mysql_host as localhost
I created the database netjukebox
I setup mysql password to be test

Once i did this i added this in the script and still come up with the cannot connect to mysql on: localhost.

Is there anything that i may be doing wrong with the configuration of mysql or with the that im missing when running this on windows?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


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Post by wbartels »

MySQL 4.1+ uses a new SHA1 password hash witch is not compatibel with the PHP 4.x MySQL clients,
here you can find a workaround:
Or install MySQL 4.0.x

Good luck,

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