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File Naming Structure w/Genres

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:44 pm
by z0iid
Ok, So this product is great. Only one complaint so far.

I use a genre naming scheme, ie:


So.... netjukebox keeps seeing the artist as "Rock" or "R&B". I spent a long time sorting out my music in that folder structure - because it makes sense when accessing the music at a file level.

Anyway to modify the file to ignore the first directory after music, then continue? I would rather do that than reorganize.

Re: File Naming Structure w/Genres

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:10 pm
by wbartels
This should not be a problem.
netjukebox will use the last directory as album and the second last directory as artist, all other directory’s before that will be ignored.
In your case it will ignore the genre directory.

Re: File Naming Structure w/Genres

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:04 am
by z0iid
ah, ok. that makes sense. Some artists that I only have one album for - i just congregated the music in the "artist" folder rather than create an album directory.

thanks, back to fixing my directory structure then.