Recommendation on creating covers

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Recommendation on creating covers

Post by simonmason »

I currently name my cover art based upon the format artist-album. This is required by my whole house audio system. I am looking for a simple way to create a copy of my cover art to put it into the fixed name format required by Netjukebox as it does not support substitution variables in the front and back cover art names. I have a number of programs that have scripting capabilities - Media Monkey, J. River. I was wondering if anyone had done anything to create a utility or script to copy these files into the required names before I start work on creating something. Thanks.
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Re: Recommendation on creating covers

Post by wbartels »

Hello simonmason,

Mass copying is possible with Flexible Renamer.
I would advice to test it out on a copy of the data, before actually use it!