Add random track to playlist when empty

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Add random track to playlist when empty

Post by emcquaid »

Willem et al:

Have you ever contemplated a way to keep the playlist running, even after it has finished, by adding a random tune?

I currently use wwwinamp for this, but it sure would be nice if it was part of NJB!!

It's helpful:
- so I don't have to create a playlist to listen to my collection.
- so it is always playing, great for my shoutcast and music-on-hold..


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Post by wbartels »

I don't think it is possible to add this feature to the playlist, because multiple users can access the playlist at the same time.
For this task ONE script has to continuously running and frequently check if a track has finished.
So I don't see an easy way to implement this feature.

But I will find a way to make it easy to add random tracks to the playlist (on genre basis)
I hope you will like this compromise :wink:
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Post by wbartels »

wbartels wrote:But I will find a way to make it easy to add random tracks to the playlist (on genre basis)
I hope you will like this compromise :wink:
Above alternative implemented longer time ago.