Great Interface : Does netjukebox support all media types ..

shahid hassim
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:25 am

Great Interface : Does netjukebox support all media types ..

Post by shahid hassim »

What a great interface!!!

Does Netjukebox allow the following.

1) Support for mp3, wma, wmv etc.
2) downloading of the above in addition to streaming.
3) Anonymous access.
4) Customization to section/speaker/topic - format.
5) More detailed song information.

I've tried jinzora but its a bastard to install.

Any help?
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Post by wbartels »

> What a great interface!!!
Thanks :D

> Does Netjukebox allow the following.
> 1) Support for mp3, wma, wmv etc.

> 2) downloading of the above in addition to streaming.
Streaming works if you als download the codec pack.
Video streaming in NOT suported

> 3) Anonymous access.
Yes, see the live demo.

> 4) Customization to section/speaker/topic - format.

> 5) More detailed song information.
On mouse over you get more detailed technical information: