Thanks for the sugestion.newbeat wrote:Dear Willem,
I dont know, which distro has such versions, but i think, u can get all versions, what u need for all linux distros (like package, or u can self compile own version - typical for php)
But i think, that u can make ur Linux adventures much easily, if u look for xampp.
Xampp is full executable progie without touching of registry or hardisc (like live CD).Look here for xampp , and if u need old versions of php,apache or mysql, take old xampp version.
U need only download xampp for linux, tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.4.16.tar.gz -C /opt, edit in apache folder httpd.conf for new rootdocument = netjukebox, and /opt/lampp/lampp start.
I must tell, that i have big troubles with php,mysql,sqlite3,lighttpd on my harddic, but i have never troubles with xampp.
I will try it out.