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Multiple Media Dirs
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:51 pm
by xdreamer
Thanks for this very nice application.
At the moment I'm missing one feature:
Due to hard disk limitations my media library is distributed over multiple disks and machines, so it would be nice to have the possibility to define multiple sources.
Using NTFS HardLinks is not practicable due to your naming constraints.
Re: Multiple Media Dirs
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:10 am
by wbartels
xdreamer wrote:
Using NTFS HardLinks is not practicable due to your naming constraints.
It is possible, because netjukebox only uses the last and second last directory.
Last directory for album and year, and second last for artist.
So you can use it this way:
Directory stucture
Code: Select all
D:\Media\first_harddisk\artist 01\album\...
\artist 02\album\...
\artist 25\album\...
D:\Media\ntfs_hardlink\artist 26\album\...
Show latest additions
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:35 pm
by xdreamer
It would be a nice feature to see the latest updates of your media folder on the brows window. Or make them browseable via an additional search field.
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:36 pm
by xdreamer
Btw.: Thanks for the hint. Seems to work fine.
Re: Show latest additions
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:19 pm
by wbartels
xdreamer wrote:It would be a nice feature to see the latest updates of your media folder on the brows window. Or make them browseable via an additional search field.
This is already possible with menu: Favorites > New
hardlinks for grouping the music collection
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:50 pm
by emcquaid
So could you use hardlinks to group a collection into "themes"?
I have NJB setup up to randomly add a song to the playlist whenever it goes empty, and thus keep it playing. The unfortunate eventuality is that AC/DC will play at a time when you were perhaps hoping for something more, uh, relaxing...
It would be too cool if I could setup up:
1) Anything Goes(whole collection)
2) Live music only
3) Dance Music
4) Easy Listening (Mom and Dad are here)
So could I create multiple hardlinked directories containing the hardlinked albums for the theme, and then have separate NJB installs for each theme?
Thanks in advance,
Re: Multiple Media Dirs
Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:27 pm
by andersen
wbartels wrote:xdreamer wrote:
Using NTFS HardLinks is not practicable due to your naming constraints.
It is possible, because netjukebox only uses the last and second last directory.
Last directory for album and year, and second last for artist.
So you can use it this way:
Directory stucture
Code: Select all
D:\Media\first_harddisk\artist 01\album\...
\artist 02\album\...
\artist 25\album\...
D:\Media\ntfs_hardlink\artist 26\album\...
may i know, where can i modify the directory stucture?
Re: Multiple Media Dirs
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:07 pm
by unsec
hmm, can anyone explanate this idea "NTFS HardLinks" ... thnks.
Re: Multiple Media Dirs
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:53 pm
by Shizzle