song title

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song title

Post by unsec »

As I see, the tile of the song (track) often can f.ex. look as:


then, can we do something with this 101-211? It don't look elegant. Maybe 01-10 and again 01-11? Or cd1 01 - cd1 10 and cd2 01 - cd2 11? Or something another?

then, can we 'delete' from the song title (not track title!) the Artist name? (not in case of the VA cd's) Course, on the visualisation track site we have double the Artist name, it's don't look elegant too.
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Re: song title

Post by wbartels »

unsec wrote:As I see, the tile of the song (track) often can f.ex. look as:


then, can we do something with this 101-211? It don't look elegant. Maybe 01-10 and again 01-11? Or cd1 01 - cd1 10 and cd2 01 - cd2 11? Or something another?
You can make changes to the script the way you like it :wink:
The track number and cd number are detected in the update.php script.
Search for // Track update

unsec wrote:then, can we 'delete' from the song title (not track title!) the Artist name? (not in case of the VA cd's) Course, on the visualisation track site we have double the Artist name, it's don't look elegant too.
This is already possible, see file structure.
PS: the separation should be: <space>-<space>


Code: Select all

Alizee/Album name/101 - Fifty_sixty.mp3
Alizee/Album name/110 - Idealiser.mp3
Alizee/Album name/201 - Lonely list.mp3
Alizee/Album name/211 - Leffet.mp3
Instead of:

Code: Select all

Alizee/Album name/101 - Alizee - Fifty_sixty.mp3
Alizee/Album name/110 - Alizee - Idealiser.mp3
Alizee/Album name/201 - Alizee - Lonely list.mp3
Alizee/Album name/211 - Alizee - Leffet.mp3
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Re: song title

Post by unsec »

well ... not that way.
The idea is to use files from f-eg net (or other sources) without any changes. And than the idea to 'delete' the artist name from the song title but only in soft(ware) way - not hard delete.
In situation when I delete the artist name from the track name I will have the directory with some songs with songs title but without the artist name and what it will be the source to burn the cd (in the future)? And we have the 'download' option. How long (the user) will remember the artist name for the downloaded songs?
Then I think, it will be better to have the song (track) with the artist name and song title but don't show the artist name at the visualisation cd page.
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Re: song title

Post by wbartels »

Do you mean not showing the artist column when all artists are the same?

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Re: song title

Post by unsec »

no, I'm thinking about situation like this:

from the page like upper:
Bajm 101-bajm-wiem 3:50

Bajm - the artist name
101-bajm-wiem - the title of the song

101 - the number of the song
bajm - the artist name
wiem - the true song title
all this giving the track title (or is coming from the track title)

the path is:

as you can see - we have here double the artist name (Bajm/bajm)
first time - from the first directory, secont time from the song title. And I suggest ect. ect.
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Re: song title

Post by wbartels »

If you use a <space>-<space> separation it will work:

Code: Select all

media/Bajm/dbest_songs_of_2008/101 - bajm - wiem.mp3
If you somehow still need this filename scheme:

Code: Select all

Repace all \s+-\s+ with - in the update.php script.
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Re: song title

Post by unsec »

thank You, now is ok :D

by the way - can you explain me this function>> advanced - rebuild album? How rebuild?
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Re: song title

Post by unsec »

I'm asking couse I'm looking for any function to update only one album. When I use 'update' it update all albums. When I use 'restore' this dont update tracks from album, as i see it try to create a zip file ... . When we will have a hundreds GB mp3 it will be a little problem to update all this agane and agane and agane.