Can't open directory

General discussion about netjukebox
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Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:19 am

Can't open directory

Post by tomraedisk »

I am useing Windows Vista Ultimate. i am trying to import my media. and i keep getting
Can't open directory:

* Check media_dir value in
* Check file/directory permission

i got my permisions on full control for everyone. even added everyone with full control and still can not get it to work. so what am i doin wrong?

Code: Select all

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | netjukebox, Copyright © 2001-2009 Willem Bartels                       |
//  |                                                                        |
//  |                                               |
//  |                                             |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify   |
//  | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   |
//  | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      |
//  | (at your option) any later version.                                    |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        |
//  | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         |
//  | GNU General Public License for more details.                           |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      |
//  | along with this program.  If not, see <>.  |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Media directory                                                        |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Use a UNIX style directory with a trailing slash.                      |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | 'D:/Media/';                                                           |
//  | 'D:/Media/Music/';                                                     |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | If you want to run netjukebox from a USB disk than you can detect      |
//  | the drive letter with: substr(__FILE__, 0, 1)                          |
//  | The same trick can be used for the Codec directoty.                    |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['media_dir']                   = 'D:/Music/50 cent/';
$cfg['convert_undersquare']         = false;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Codec directory                                                        |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Use a native style directory with a trailing slash/backslash:          |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | Windows:        'D:\Console\Codec\\';                                  |
//  | Linux/Unix/OSX: '/usr/local/codec/';                                   |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | Be aware to escape the last back slash with an extra backslash.        |
//  | On a Windows system you can set the process priority to idle with:     |
//  | 'start /b /low D:\Console\Codec\\';                                    |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['codec_dir']                   = 'start /b /low c:xampp\htdocs\netjukebox\codecs\\';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Album features                                                         |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | For album_copy_dir use a UNIX style directory with a trailing slash.   |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['album_copy']                   = true;
$cfg['album_copy_dir']               = 'G:/MUSIC/';
$cfg['album_share']                  = true;
$cfg['album_rebuild']                = true;
$cfg['album_update_image']           = true;
$cfg['album_edit_genre']             = true;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Cache                                                                  |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Decoding to wav and creating zip files is relatively fast.             |
//  | When expire these files there will be more space for slower to         |
//  | transcode (mp3/ogg) files in the cache. It is advisable to set the     |
//  | expire time to at least the expected download or record time.          |
//  | When setting the expire value to 0 these files will only expire if the |
//  | cache exceeded the max size (ordered by idle time)                     |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['cache_max_size']              = 75 * 1073741824; // 75 GiB
$cfg['cache_expire_wav']            = 3600;
$cfg['cache_expire_pack']           = 3600 * 4;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Image                                                                  |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | $cfg['image_read_embedded'] = true;                                    |
//  | Read embeded APIC or PICTURE image from first media file if no other   |
//  | image is found.                                                        |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | $cfg['image_share'] = true;                                            |
//  | Share image for another forum or website.                              |
//  | See the webinterface for the BB-Code, HTML-Code or URL only.           |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | $cfg['image_share_mode'] = 'mode';                                     |
//  | played: Recently played or streamed album.                             |
//  | new: New album.                                                        |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['image_read_embedded']         = true;
$cfg['image_share']                 = true;
$cfg['image_share_mode']            = 'played';
$cfg['image_front']                 = 'cd_front';
$cfg['image_back']                  = 'cd_back';
$cfg['image_front_cover_treshold']  = 300 * 300;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Image service                                                          |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | For the Amazon web service a AWSAccessKeyId key is needed.             |
//  | Get this key free from:                          |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['AWSAccessKeyId']	           = '';
$cfg['image_service_name'][]       = 'Amazon';
$cfg['image_service_url'][]        = '' . $cfg['AWSAccessKeyId'] . '&Operation=ItemSearch&ResponseGroup=Images&SearchIndex=Music&Type=Lite&Artist=%artist&Title=%album';
$cfg['image_service_preg'][]       = '';

$cfg['image_service_name'][]       = 'Amazon (uk)';
$cfg['image_service_url'][]        = '' . $cfg['AWSAccessKeyId'] . '&Operation=ItemSearch&ResponseGroup=Images&SearchIndex=Music&Type=Lite&Artist=%artist&Title=%album';
$cfg['image_service_preg'][]       = '';

$cfg['image_service_name'][]       = 'Amazon (de)';
$cfg['image_service_url'][]        = '' . $cfg['AWSAccessKeyId'] . '&Operation=ItemSearch&ResponseGroup=Images&SearchIndex=Music&Type=Lite&Artist=%artist&Title=%album';
$cfg['image_service_preg'][]       = '';

$cfg['image_service_name'][]       = 'Slothradio';
$cfg['image_service_url'][]        = '';
$cfg['image_service_preg'][]       = '#<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->.+?><img src="(http://.+?)" width="([0-9]+?)" height="([0-9]+?)"#s';

$cfg['image_service_name'][]       = 'Slothradio (uk)';
$cfg['image_service_url'][]        = '';
$cfg['image_service_preg'][]       = '#<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->.+?><img src="(http://.+?)" width="([0-9]+?)" height="([0-9]+?)"#s';

$cfg['image_service_name'][]       = 'Slothradio (de)';
$cfg['image_service_url'][]        = '';
$cfg['image_service_preg'][]       = '#<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->.+?><img src="(http://.+?)" width="([0-9]+?)" height="([0-9]+?)"#s';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | None album artist                                                      |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['none_album_artist'][]         = 'compilation';
$cfg['none_album_artist'][]         = 'radio';
$cfg['none_album_artist'][]         = 'remix';
$cfg['none_album_artist'][]         = 'singles';
$cfg['none_album_artist'][]         = 'various';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Auto suggest limit (search results)                                    |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['autosuggest_limit']           = 25;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Media extensions                                                       |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'aac';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'ape';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'asf';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'avi';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'flac';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'm4a';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'mp3';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'mpc';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'mpeg';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'mpg';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'ogg';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'ts';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'tta';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'wma';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'wmv';
$cfg['media_extension'][]           = 'wv';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Search internet                                                        |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['search_name'][]               = 'allmusic';
$cfg['search_url_artist'][]         = '';
$cfg['search_url_album'][]          = '';
$cfg['search_methode'][]            = 'post';

$cfg['search_name'][]               = '';
$cfg['search_url_artist'][]         = '';
$cfg['search_url_album'][]          = '';
$cfg['search_methode'][]            = 'get';

$cfg['search_name'][]               = 'MusicMeter';
$cfg['search_url_artist'][]         = '[artist]=';
$cfg['search_url_album'][]          = '[title]=';
$cfg['search_methode'][]            = 'post';

$cfg['search_name'][]               = 'Rate your music';
$cfg['search_url_artist'][]         = '';
$cfg['search_url_album'][]          = '';
$cfg['search_methode'][]            = 'get';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Download album (with 7-Zip)                                            |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | The $cfg['default_charset'] is converted to UTF-8 so that              |
//  | -scs should always be set to UTF-8                                     |
//  |                                                                        |
//  |                                                   |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['download_album_extension']    = 'zip';
$cfg['download_album_pack']         = $cfg['codec_dir'] . '7za a -mx0 -tzip -scsutf-8 %destination @%list';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Record (with CDRDAO)                                                   |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Use "cdrdao scanbus" from the cli to see a list with cdrom devices.    |
//  | Set the disired device with --device x,x,x in $cfg['record']           |
//  |                                                                        |
//  |                                |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['record']                      = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'cdrdao write --device 1,1,0 --driver generic-mmc --eject --force -n %tocfile';
$cfg['record_cdtext']               = false;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Decode (for stream, download & record)                                 |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['decode_stdout']['aac']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'faad -d -o - %source';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['ape']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'macpipe %source - -d';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['flac']       = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'flac --decode --totally-silent --stdout %source';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['m4a']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'faad -d -o - %source';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['mp3']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame --decode --silent %source -';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['mpc']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'mpcdec %source -';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['ogg']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'oggdec --dither 3 --downmix --stdout %source';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['tta']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'ttaenc -d -o - %source';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['wma']        = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'wmadec -w -q %source';
$cfg['decode_stdout']['wv']         = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'wvunpack -q %source -';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Encode (for stream & download)                                         |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | For ID TAGS the following variables can be used:                       |
//  | %artist, %title, %album, %year, %comment, %disc, %track & %combined    |
//  |                                                                        |
//  | encode_image is optional and will be used with transcoding when there  |
//  | is an image available in the database. The image can be added with     |
//  | %image. Requires LAME 3.98 or patched LAME 3.97 by Nyaochi's           |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['transcode_treshold']          = 150;

$cfg['encode_extension'][]          = 'mp3';
$cfg['encode_mime_type'][]          = 'audio/mpeg';
$cfg['encode_name'][]               = 'MP3 @ Low';
$cfg['encode_stdout'][]             = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame --abr 64 --quiet --id3v2-only --noreplaygain --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - -';
$cfg['encode_file'][]               = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame --abr 64 --quiet --id3v2-only --replaygain-accurate --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - %destination';
$cfg['encode_image'][]              = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame --abr 64 --quiet --id3v2-only --replaygain-accurate --ti %image --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - %destination';
$cfg['encode_bitrate'][]            = 64000;
$cfg['encode_vbr'][] 	            = true;

$cfg['encode_extension'][]          = 'mp3';
$cfg['encode_mime_type'][]          = 'audio/mpeg';
$cfg['encode_name'][]               = 'MP3 @ Portable';
$cfg['encode_stdout'][]             = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame -V5 --quiet --id3v2-only --noreplaygain --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - -';
$cfg['encode_file'][]               = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame -V5 --quiet --id3v2-only --replaygain-accurate --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - %destination';
$cfg['encode_image'][]              = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame -V5 --quiet --id3v2-only --replaygain-accurate --ti %image --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - %destination';
$cfg['encode_bitrate'][]            = 128000;
$cfg['encode_vbr'][] 	            = true;

$cfg['encode_extension'][]          = 'mp3';
$cfg['encode_mime_type'][]          = 'audio/mpeg';
$cfg['encode_name'][]               = 'MP3 @ HiFi';
$cfg['encode_stdout'][]             = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame -V2 --quiet --id3v2-only --noreplaygain --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - -';
$cfg['encode_file'][]               = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame -V2 --quiet --id3v2-only --replaygain-accurate --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - %destination';
$cfg['encode_image'][]              = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'lame -V2 --quiet --id3v2-only --replaygain-accurate --ti %image --ta %artist --tt %title --tl %album --ty %year --tn %combined --tc %comment - %destination';
$cfg['encode_bitrate'][]            = 190000;
$cfg['encode_vbr'][] 	            = true;

$cfg['encode_extension'][]          = 'ogg';
$cfg['encode_mime_type'][]          = 'application/x-ogg';
$cfg['encode_name'][]               = 'OGG @ Low';
$cfg['encode_stdout'][]             = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'oggenc --quality 0 --quiet --title %title --artist %artist --album %album --date %year --tracknum %combined --comment comment=%comment --output - -';
$cfg['encode_file'][]               = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'oggenc --quality 0 --quiet --title %title --artist %artist --album %album --date %year --tracknum %combined --comment comment=%comment --output %destination -';
$cfg['encode_image'][]              = '';
$cfg['encode_bitrate'][]            = 64000;
$cfg['encode_vbr'][] 	            = true;

$cfg['encode_extension'][]          = 'ogg';
$cfg['encode_mime_type'][]          = 'application/x-ogg';
$cfg['encode_name'][]               = 'OGG @ Portable';
$cfg['encode_stdout'][]             = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'oggenc --quality 4 --quiet --title %title --artist %artist --album %album --date %year --tracknum %combined --comment comment=%comment --output - -';
$cfg['encode_file'][]               = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'oggenc --quality 4 --quiet --title %title --artist %artist --album %album --date %year --tracknum %combined --comment comment=%comment --output %destination -';
$cfg['encode_image'][]              = '';
$cfg['encode_bitrate'][]            = 128000;
$cfg['encode_vbr'][] 	            = true;

$cfg['encode_extension'][]          = 'ogg';
$cfg['encode_mime_type'][]          = 'application/x-ogg';
$cfg['encode_name'][]               = 'OGG @ HiFi';
$cfg['encode_stdout'][]             = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'oggenc --quality 6 --quiet --title %title --artist %artist --album %album --date %year --tracknum %combined --comment comment=%comment --output - -';
$cfg['encode_file'][]               = $cfg['codec_dir'] . 'oggenc --quality 6 --quiet --title %title --artist %artist --album %album --date %year --tracknum %combined --comment comment=%comment --output %destination -';
$cfg['encode_image'][]              = '';
$cfg['encode_bitrate'][]            = 192000;
$cfg['encode_vbr'][] 	            = true;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Default charset                                                        |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['default_charset']             = 'ISO-8859-1';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | MySQLi configuration                                                   |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['mysqli_host']                 = 'localhost';
$cfg['mysqli_db']                   = 'netjukebox';
$cfg['mysqli_user']                 = 'root';
$cfg['mysqli_password']             = 'w1ldch1ld9201';
$cfg['mysqli_socket']               = '';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Authenticate                                                           |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['authenticate_anonymous_user'] = 'anonymous';
$cfg['authenticate_expire']         = 3600 * 24 * 7;

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Admin message                                                          |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | [br]                                                                   |
//  | [b]bold[/b]                                                            |
//  | [i]italic[/i]                                                          |
//  | [url][/url]                                      |
//  | [url=]example[/url]                              |
//  | [email][/email]                                        |
//  | [list][*]first[*]second[/list]                                         |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['admin_about_message']         = '';
$cfg['admin_login_message']         = '';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Date & time                                                            |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | When enabled ignore_dst_changes ignores daylight savings time changes. |
//  | The date_format syntax is identical to the PHP date() function.        |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['ignore_dst_changes']          = true;
$cfg['date_format']                 = 'd-m-Y';

//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
//  | Debug                                                                  |
//  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$cfg['debug_message']               = false;
$cfg['php_info']                    = false;
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netjukebox developer
Posts: 876
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:12 pm
Location: Netherlands

Re: Can't open directory

Post by wbartels »

Witch web server do you use?
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:19 am

Re: Can't open directory

Post by tomraedisk »

Im useing XAMPP. with Apache and MySQL running
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:19 am

Re: Can't open directory

Post by tomraedisk »

I feel pretty retarded for this. But i found my problem. I had it in the wrong directory and wrong spelling of it. but just wanted to say i fixed it
Post Reply