VLC question

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Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:04 am

VLC question

Post by pygmypenguin »

Marvelous bit of software you've got going here. I've just been having difficulty getting playback working using VLC (videoLAN?)

I'm running on a mac, and go through the following procedure:
from the web interface, config -> player profile
-name: localhost
-check videoLan
-auto-detect: server
-player host:
-player port: 5123
-player password:
-media share: /path/to/my/music (same as $cfg['media_dir'])

then, from a terminal I enter
/path/to/vlc -I http --http-host='localhost:5123'

this outputs the following:
[0x275e28] main interface error: no interface module matched "globalhotkeys,none"
[0x275e28] main interface error: no suitable interface module
[0x201b28] main libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed
[0x275e28] main interface: creating httpd

at this point I assume that vlc is up and listening for incoming connections on port 5123, but when i then go and click the play arrow next to a song or album or whatever, nothing happens. There's no error message, no sound, no starting of playback, no pause button, nothing. I don't know if it's working and I'm just not getting sound or it's not working at all, but nothing is happening. vlc isn't telling me anything either. What's going on? Are my paths wrong, and I'm just misunderstanding what's supposed to go in those boxes?

Thanks for your help, and again, what works does so amazingly well. Hopefully I can get by this setback.
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:04 am

Re: VLC question

Post by pygmypenguin »

also, I know that vlc is running on the http remote control interface, because navigating to http://localhost:5123 brings up the web player (albeit with nothing to play)