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NuB Questions - now what

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:30 pm
by allan1015
Ok, I am a bit lost. I have set up netjukebox on Ubuntu and I can access just fine
(I only have one group in there right now Ween)
I can run Update and all that seems fine.

However I cant play anything, I get get a connection (see below). I dont know if I have firewall errors or whats going on. What I want to do is sit at starbucks and play my music, I dont normally ever stream music and all this is new to me.

I also tried using vLan as a player on my laptop and selected stream from network, put in the url (see above) and nothing happens.

The ubuntu server is at home, the router forwarding port 80, 8080, 443 and several other web protocols to this server.
videoLAN error
Can't connect to:
Connection refused

I get a similar error with WinAmp on differetn port.

Any help appreciated, I understand I am likely doing some real nubi mistake here.


Re: NuB Questions - now what?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:20 pm
by allan1015
Anyone? Anyone?

I feel like spicoli here - at a loss. Point me to read somehting? I dont mind putting in the work.

Just one sceanario - can i access my music at home from a remote internet locaiton, say starbucks?
What do I need on the client in terms of software (VLC player enough)
What do I need to do on the server.

Just whisper something that will get me started. The basic steps

Much Appreciated

Re: NuB Questions - now what

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:27 pm
by allan1015
Question, is netjukebox doing the streaming sserver, or does it launch vlc (as eample) and than VLC is doing the streaming out to the internet? If the former then I need to have VLC installed on the ubuntu server?

Re: NuB Questions - now what

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:31 pm
by wbartels
allan1015 wrote:Question, is netjukebox doing the streaming sserver, or does it launch vlc (as eample) and than VLC is doing the streaming out to the internet? If the former then I need to have VLC installed on the ubuntu server?
MPD, VLC or Winamp are only intend to play files in a local network.
Than you have the option to directly play or add a track/album.
With MPD and Winamp you also have a graphical playlist.

For outside the LAN you can use streaming, there is no need for a mediaplayer on the server because netjukebox (webserver/PHP/command line encoder/decoder) does the streaming.
You can stream the source file or transcode to mp3 on the fly (config > Stream profile) .
For transcoding a stream you need to install the right encoder/decoder, for example: lame, flac, faad, oggdec.
These same encoder/decoder can be used to transcode a download (config > Download profile).

Re: NuB Questions - now what

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:48 pm
by allan1015
Hi and thanks so much for the response.
I am sitting in a coffe shop using my laptopand I go to my website/netjukebox and I select a song and hit play
All I get is errors about cant connect to the player (be it VLC, Winamp, etc)

I loaded VLC on the laptop and tried to set it to stream from the same url, nothing happens

So if I don't stream from a browser and I cant stream using a player - how exactly to I accomplish listening to my music on my server over the internet?
