Media doesn't show up...

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Media doesn't show up...

Post by NumbBono »

Bear with me here, but I have a (hopefully) pretty easy question.

Running Apache on WinXP sp3 (xammp).

Got everything set up properly, and imported my media, which took quite some time, as it was over 8000 songs.

Now, when I access netjukebox, the media isn't there.

Is it necessary to have the exact directory structure for my mp3s that I read about in another post? Currently, I have all of my mp3's stored in a single directory. They're all tagged properly, and the filenames represent the artist, album, track number, and title.

For example.

Arcade Fire - Funeral - 07 - Wake Up.mp3

Is the fact that I'm not using the specified directory structure preventing my songs from being shown on the "Media" tab?
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Re: Media doesn't show up...

Post by jeremy »

First of all, wow. 8000 files? What have you got against folders? :)

Have you taken a look at the database to be sure the import went okay? When you click on media, you then have to search for items (it's a live search, so it should start to filter as you type) or click on the word "general" at the end of the list of genre types. I actually edited that PHP file and removed the other links, changing "general" to "show all albums." Hope you can get it sorted. Waldo will have to answer the folder question.
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Re: Media doesn't show up...

Post by wbartels »

You have to use the file structure described in:
Otherwise you have to make changes to the update.php script.
The Artist, Album and Track info will be retrieved by the FileStructure() function.
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