ID3 Tag Quirks

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ID3 Tag Quirks

Post by ix6tech »

I have noticed that ID3 tag data when comments exist or ID3v2 tags don't exist in MP3 files cause the following to show in Winamp:
stream.php?action=stream&stream id=.......
On a good note the easiest fix is to remove comments from the ID3 tag and in Winamp to the problem file and re-upload to the database directory. (does not require NJB update) Other cases where going into the ID3 tag and selecting the ID3v1 tab under file info of a song in Winamp, and selecting Copy to ID3v2 also fixes the problem.

Not sure if this is a parsing issue with getID3 or just a presume truncation when read with getID3, but it is something to consider in case it is ever brought up.

Although this gives me a good excuse to clean up my ID3 tags for my MP3's.

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Re: ID3 Tag Quirks

Post by wbartels »

Mp3 files below transcode threshold aren’t touched by netjukebox.
Because ID3.1 tags are on the end of the file these can never be seen with streaming.
Even though ID3.2 tags are at the begin of a file many playerd don’t read these ID tag with streaming.

When stream files above threshold the file will be real-time transcoding (if not in the cache) without ID3x tags!
When first transcode a file (with downloading) than an ID3.2 tag (and embedded image) will be created and stored in the cache.
When later stream these files the cache files will be used instead of real-time transcoding.
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Re: ID3 Tag Quirks

Post by wbartels »

This is not a bug.